
Undivided at 1G Music concert (2007-04-06)

Undivided 大碟仍然製作中...... 而家睇住 2 年前o既演出先!

7 則留言:

UndividedHeart 說...

Will there be an English version of this song?

Ivor 說...

It is originally an English song by a Christian group called "First Call" in the 80s. We just adopted the melody and wrote a Chinese version.

check this link for the original song:


.... and just wondering how you know us from your country?

UndividedHeart 說...
UndividedHeart 說...

I purchase Christian music at a web site called www.chinesechristianmusic.com and I found your CD Frontline & Love Chronicles not too long ago, I think it was this week that I found them. Purchased both, and I really enjoy listening to your songs.

UndividedHeart 說...

Where do you find this song 神伴我同行?

Ivor 說...

Thanks for your support to our music! Hope our music and bring you more blesings from above!

Ivor 說...

神伴我同行 is not yet published and not by Frontline. It is just a demo written by the songwriter and I wrote the lyrics. Christie Dang of 佳音使團 Goodnewsmessenger sings the demo!